
United Kingdom

Region: EMEA
Industry: Financial Services & Technology
Company: Landbay Partners Limited


Award-winning innovator Landbay is the only peer-to-peer investment platform focused solely on the United Kingdom’s residential mortgage market.

Founded in 2013, Landbay has facilitated the purchase of professional landlord residential buy-to-let properties and managed to turn the world of real estate investment into an efficient, largely digital process.

With over 20 years of experience, CEO and co-founder John Goodall has proven himself one of the brightest minds in the vast world of financial technology.

Dale Ventures’ investment is helping Landbay achieve its goal of becoming “the go-to funder partner for buy-to-let” and is helping the company grow in the professional buy-to-let mortgage market through product innovation and superior service levels.

Contact Dale Ventures for a consultation NOW!