Dale Ventures… Simply Put, 'Complete Privacy!
Dale Ventures has a very wide-ranging portfolio of investments. Many of these investments would never be touched by the typical Venture Capital, Private Equity or Home office. Dale Ventures is different and has different Risk Thresholds. Risk Tolerance is exactly relative to Return On Investment in the eyes of Dale Ventures, and for this reason, it is suggested that if you are in need of capital, or an operating partner, no matter your industry – you should contact Dale Ventures.
Dale Ventures will absolutely never disclose your name, business name, brand name, URL, wiring instructions, contact information or email address to anyone under any conditions. All contracts and agreements will route through international attorneys to ensure Attorney/Client Privilege is maintained and the veil is never pierced. All correspondence routes through privacy-programmed email servers that delete any files over 30 days old. After an engagement is agreed the first document that will be signed is a confidentiality agreement providing for all the above in writing – protecting both Dale Ventures and You!